What is Kundli Dosha?
According to Vedic scriptures, some sins committed by us in our previous birth affect our lives by becoming defects in this life and some defects are also made by the actions of parents, so these defects start giving their negative effects as soon as we are born. Huh.
How are defects made in the horoscope in astrology?
According to astrology, the negative position of planets also causes defects in the horoscope. According to belief, these defects can be related to this birth as well as from previous births. When any defect is arising in the horoscope of the person, then that planet starts giving negative results instead of getting the auspicious results of the concerned planet.
Identifying Kundli doshas in a horoscope is a rigorous process. To find out the Kundli dosha in the Kundli one should have a deep knowledge of astrology so that one can analyze his/her Kundli and evaluate the aspects of all the planets.
It is always advised to consult an expert astrologer or “astrologer” for birth chart analysis and check kundli dosha in your birth chart.