Every year your stars and planets change their positions to bring something unusual and new into your life. By making a thorough study of the movements of these planets, the annual horoscope of each zodiac sign is prepared, which includes all the events that happen in the year.
Which period of your life is the luckiest for you! The horoscope of each year is different from the previous year depending on the movement of the planets in your horoscope. By reading your yearly horoscope predictions, you can prepare yourself to deal with all the events that may happen in your life this year.
Year Horoscope Features
charts and calculations
Degree and position of the planets in the horoscope
Varshphal Chart, Varshphal Chalit, Varshphal Moon, Varshphal Navamsa
friendship table
After analyzing all these mentioned dashas and charts a detailed prediction report is prepared for 12 months which covers almost all the factors like health, finance, business, family, relationships, society and status, travel, children etc.